Solcore 100/200
Specifications: | SOLCORE 100 |
Density (g/ml) | 0.86 |
Comp Strength (psi) | 1500 @ 350’F |
CTE (ppm – C) approx | 9 |
Solcore 3D
Specifications | SOLCORE 3D |
Density (g/ml) | 0.90 |
Comp Strength (psi) | 500 @ 350'F |
CTE (ppm - C) approx | 10 |
SolBoard HT
Specifications | SOLBOARD HT |
Temperature Stable | Up to 800'F |
Comp Strength (psi) | 1500 @ 800'F |
CTE (ppm - C) approx | 8 |
Specifications | TecShape |
Density (g/ml) | 0.66 |
Comp Strength (psi) | 500 @ 350'F |
CTE (ppm - C) approx | 6 |
Specifications | SolFoam |
Density (g/ml) | 0.6 |
Comp Strength (psi) | 45psi @ 350'F |
CTE (ppm - C) approx | 8 |
Specifications | HotCore |
Density (g/ml) | 2.0 g/cm³ |
Comp Strength (psi) | 6000psi @ 300'F |
CTE (ppm - C) approx | 8 |
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